This happens with v1..
please follow this link and you will get the of charge:
Where can i get a replacement?
My girlfriend and I both received the Hifi X10s for Christmas and mine simply do not sound as good as hers...what gives?
This is another post that may help you
Autre information à ce propos... N'hésitez pas à regarder le module 3478P !!!
Hi, Question - how does one pick TV sizes for a room? Thanks, Uday
Here is how:
1. determine size of room
2. determine size of viewing area
look at article below.
Pensez vous que vous en aurez prochainement ??? Orange se serait parfait !
There is one called the miniwatt that is getting good reviews. It's around $300.
I know I can still buy a really high-end amp with vacuum tubes, but is there anything more reasonably priced?